Write for Us – Guest Post Authors Wanted!
As a trustworthy media, we are always trying to present fresh and informative content. Therefore, we will be glad to find guest post authors to contribute with new ideas and interesting facts.
Guidelines for guest posts on speeddoctor.net:
- The article must be informative, interesting, and entertaining for the readers. Please don’t send us press releases or sales pitches; fake product reviews, advertorials, etc. – they won’t be accepted.
- We only publish original content (95% or above), so make sure your article is not published anywhere else.
- Your content should be formatted properly. Please use headings, paragraphs, bullets and lists to style the article.
- Make sure your content is well-written, understandable, and grammatically correct.
- The length must be minimum 600 words.
- You can use external resources to substantiate your information and arguments. (Maximum of 2)
- We reserve the write or edit your article in order to make it more readable.
- Topics we cover:
- Cars and automotive
- Motorcycles
- Sports
- By submitting an article, you agree to us using it on our website. When the article is published on our website, it is then owned by us and you are not permitted to re-publish the article without our prior written approval.
How to submit?
Send us an e-mail on speed.doctor.23 @ gmail dot com regarding guest post submissions or use the form below. Do not hesitate to ask any questions you might have.