Video Game: Fast & Furious Showdown (PC)

Video Game: Fast & Furious Showdown (PC)

Fast & Furious: Showdown is a video game with different kinds of driving missions. Sometimes these missions include only driving and sometimes there is also other kind of action, like shooting other cars or stealing an oil tanker for example.

The problem is, that these missions are really boring and it is very challenging to find any interest in succeeding in them and continuing the game further. There is a plot in the game that should make you interested, but it’s not really helping. The Fast & Furious: Showdown isn’t really following any movie plot, but kind of takes place between Fast and the Furious movies 5 and 6.

Video Game: Fast & Furious Showdown (PC)

Driving games don’t always have to have a great plot, if the driving experience is entertaining. Unfortunately, Fast & Furious: Showdown fails in this sector too. The driving dynamics are awful. It doesn’t really matter what kind of vehicle you are driving because they are all pretty much the same. There isn’t much interaction with other cars on the road either. They just keep driving on their own lane no matter what happens.

Third problem with this game is that it doesn’t look very good. It looks like something that was made a decade ago. The missions take place in different cities around the world, but because of these dull graphics it doesn’t really matter where you are driving. Driving on a motor way makes you feel like you’re driving the same round route all over again.

The only reason for this game to exist is its famous name that relates it to the movie series. Unfortunately, it compeltely fails to carry its name. The Fast and the Furious movies are full of speed and exciting action, but this game has nothing of that. No matter how much you like the Fast and the Furious movies, there is a very little chance that you find any enjoyment from this game.